There is no way I could have done all the work by myself. I am thrilled to have had the honor of working with the Boy Scout Troop of Choluteca.
They each and every one worked diligently in order to get all of the chairs put together.
The first few chairs were the trickiest as they learned how to put them together.
There was time for a short break and then back to work again.
It turned dark on us but we all continued to work.
The courtyard of the Flamingo Hotel in Choluteca looked like a factory for making wheelchairs.
All the hard work paid off as people began to be placed into their wheelchairs. Many of them arrived in their best clothes, while others arrived in rags, because that is all that they own.
A couple of the patients to the left.
To the left is Sergio Lovo co-owner of the Hotel Flamingo in Choluteca. He and his wife graciously loaned us the use of the hotel courtyard to arm and giveaway the wheelchairs. You can see by the big smile on Sergio's face how good we all felt to be able to help the people in need.
Teresa Searcy (me), the Boy Scouts and several wheelchair recipients.
The wheelchair recipient had waited until all of the other people had left to receive his wheelchair. He was so very patient.
At the end of the night, 32 wheelchairs later, the Boy Scouts were tired! and sweaty. But not too tired and sweaty (80 degree weather) to pose for a photo in the 13 extra chairs which they put together to give away next weekend.
Leader Esteban Troches of Choluteca, Boy Scout Leader is on the far left.
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