The other day I was balancing over a filthy toilet, every muscle in my legs screaming out in pain, one hand holding a wadded piece of toilet paper over my face and mouth to keep out the atrocious smell. My other hand was holding a roll of toilet paper, afraid to place it on the filthy floor, thinking of all the germs that might seep into the paper. My pants rolled up from the bottom in an effort to try to keep them from touching the nasty floor. My stomach was hurting from yet another case of amebas or some other stomach infection, which I occasionally find myself fighting here in Honduras. The pain excruciating.... Tears were streaming down my face. Praying or maybe I should say complaining and asking "God why did you send me here?"
36 of the ministries 48 white plastic chairs have disappeared into thin air.... they cost $9.00 each... All of my matched set of screwdrivers from Sears GONE! My Skill Saw, evaporated into thin air.... The "mata burro" (kill the Burros... brush guard) on the front of the truck loose and falling apart for no reason. The white plastic thing which goes inside the toilet paper roll and allows it to spin around …STOLEN. It is probably not worth more than a dollar, BUT I have to go try to find one, buy it and waste gas, time and energy. The list goes on and on and on... It was one of those days!
After leaving the "bathroom", I decided that there was only one way to combat this overwhelming hunger to go to Kansas and stay there. PRAISE!
So as soon as I could, I returned home, to take a shower and relax. BUT when I returned home there was NO water. So I turned on my computer, looked at all the smiling photos of all the people I have been able to help with wheelchairs and surgeries and began to say "Thank you God that you have allowed me to be your hands and your feet and your spirit of service in this country!"
There are hard days in Honduras. I am accustomed to 1st world living. But more than the lack of the comforts of security, electricity all the time, clean bathrooms, safe food and clean water I think the lies and the stealing bother me the most. I will survive and I will continue to do what I am called to do! But HONESTLY, sometimes it is hard!
I am thrilled that I serve a living God, who helps me through the hard times when I am far from my family and the comforts of my native home.
Today I am blessed to be able to peel 50 pounds of potatoes and fry 20 pounds of ground beef. Does anyone want to help?