This BLOG belongs to Missionary Teresa Searcy and is all about her daily adventures in Honduras. The blog also includes information regarding SMART Medical Teams and the work we are doing in Honduras.
Engineer Renan Inestrosa founder of "Una Repuesta Para Andar" (the answer to move) second from left and Teresa Searcy middle, donate a wheelchair to a young man in need.
Vilo Martinez, hugs Teresa Searcy (me) while I share information about Free Wheelchair Mission with the audience. Vilo has been a wonderful blessing helping to move wheelchairs from San Lorenzo to Tegucigalpa when they are needed.
Today was a very busy day. We drove to Danli, Honduras almost to the Nicaragua border and gave away 40 wheelchairs. Jack DeLoss Taylor Trust has been an incredible help to make these wheelchair giveaways possible. The donations they have made help pay for the long trips to out of the way little villages to give away wheelchairs to those who need them most. Free Wheelchair Mission has been so faithful to give us the chairs which we need to make life easier for our disabled Honduran friends.
It was a bit overwhelming trying to get 40 people into their wheelchairs and some of the people we so afraid that they weren't going to get one that they and their family members placed them in the wheelchairs before we called their names.
This is the final group photo... Unfortunately I didn't get the faces of all 40 who received the chairs, but individual photos are below.
Each patient has a different story but they all need a wheelchair and none of them had one.
It is these kinds of photos that capture the joy of the wheelchair recipients. Each has their own story but you can clearly see the happiness on their faces when they realize that they get to keep the wheelchair.
We later moved the foot stool further up... but she was so excited to get into her new wheelchair that she was screaming, so we had to get her into it quickly.
Her first ride around the church and she is thrilled...
Today I had the blessing of giving away 2 wheelchairs. Thank you Free Wheelchair Mission for sending them to me. A local politician allowed the two organizations to giveaway the wheelchairs on his program. For the last few weeks and for the next few weeks we will giveaway several wheelchairs a week on his program. I am able to share about the WONDERFUL people in the United States who donated money to Free Wheelchair Missions to provide these chairs. Thank you donors! You make the daily lives of these disabled people better.
The people that need wheelchairs patiently seated and waiting for the short presentation and an explaination on how to use their new chairs.
The city central park was the venue for this wheelchair giveaway.
This young man was all smiles all afternoon. He even clapped as we began to unload the wheelchairs and the reality that this time he would go home with a wheelchair set in.
This man was moved from the car which brought him. Volunteers moved him in a wooden chair across the park.
One of the patients arrived by ambulance. All the reporters raced to take photos.
He was gently lowered out of the ambulance.
Alert and waiting for his wheelchair.
His mom comforts him until the ceremony can get started.
This is a happy young man.
This young lady couldn't decide where she wanted her footplate.
This lady smiled all the time EXCEPT when it was time for a photo and then she put on a pickle face.
This young man shouted out his happiness...
Finally it came time to move from the ambulance cot and into the wheelchair.
He is thinking about this for a minute...
And then the smile... This is one of those patients which made me cry. He was so very happy and not ashamed to let everyone know he was thrilled with his new wheelchair. These are the kind of patients which make all the hard work worth it.
Happy patients, family members and volunteers from Repuesto Por Andar wave hello to the Free Wheelchair Mission Family! Thank you Free Wheelchair Mission and thank you Michael Martin family and Jack DeLoss Taylor trust for all of your wonderful support which makes this all possible.