Sunday, November 7, 2010

November 7, 2010 Denny Died! And Giving Away Canned Food In Flood Area Lauri Abajo

Jose and I loaded up hundreds of cans of food into the back of the F-350 and headed south.  

We also had the pipes for the well drilling expedition which will take place in Choluteca tomorrow and for the next week.

When we arrived at Denny's mom's home, the kids crawled into the back of the pickup and took out all the cans.

They used bags and pans and unloaded everything into her living room.

This is one of our little helpers...

This is Denny... His photo... Denny called me about a week before he died of Dengue Fever.  He was worried about many of his neighbors whose homes had flooded.  "Please!", he pleaded with me, "Bring food to these poor people."  After the flooding there were hundreds of mosquitoes in the area and it just takes one to kill.  

Denny, who always helped us with our medical teams in San Lorenzo, died... murdered by the bite of one mosquito...

Denny's mom and dad and sister with the photo of their precious son.  He was a servant and loved by all. This trip is dedicated to Denny! 

Thank you Halo of Hope Ministries for providing the food for this mission.

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