Sunday, January 31, 2010

January 31 2010 Toy and Canned Food Giveaway In Chorro, Goascoran, Valle

These photos were taken in a little dusty village named Chorro, Goascoran, Valle. In the next post dated today you will see more photos taken along the Pan American Highway, between Nacaome and El Carretto, Valle where we also gave away more toys and food.

Many of these children have never owned a toy.

We need SHOES! Please consider having a shoe drive in your area. Perhaps your church or your child's school would collect children's shoes.

I had a wonderful weekend, sharing toys and food shipped to me from my friend Dale Leininger and his Honduran wife Gloria. Ernie and Robyn Breaux paid for the shipping for this container and several friends of the ministry donated money to help pay for the diesel, hotel rooms and food to go and stay in one of the poorest and hottest areas of Honduras. Thanks to all of them this wonderful weekend was possible!

Chepe Benavides stands with this little old man worked who hard all his life and now helps take care of a mountain of grandchildren.

These men both need help. They have lost their crops several years in a row due to drought and they have several mouths to feed.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

January 30 2010 Boca Del Rio Viejo Gulf of Fonseca

Today was a wonderful day in several ways! First of all I had the blessing of spending time with my wonderful friends Sonja and Sergio Lovo in Choluteca. The food was great and it was wonderful to spend time with them again. They are the owners of Hotel Flamingo in Choluteca. For years I have taken my medical teams there to stay. It is clean, clean, clean and the food is incredible. Over the last 12 years we have forged a friendship which has been a blessing for me.

After a great breakfast of rice and beans mixed together, scrambled eggs, homemade rolls, friend bananas (plantain), fresh sour cream and fresh juice, we were ready to go to the beach. That is right, Chepe Benavides, Cobra Cornelio and I headed to the beach. Vacation time? Not a chance…. We went to give away toys and food.

The pickup was loaded to overflowing and when we arrived at the pier, we loaded the boat full of toys and off we went to the island. This island has many special memories for me. Years ago my husband, children and a medical team went there with me for a day at the ocean. Just this week Jose, my non-adopted son, purchased land on the island which my family had enjoyed all those years ago. So this trip was to firmly plant our feet on his land. He has decided to name the area Playa De Los Angeles and the beach on one side of the island Jessica’s Beach and on the other side of the island Sarah’s Beach after my two girls and the point of the island, the beach head will be called Jose’s Beach.

It was Sergio and Sonja which first took me and my family to this lovely beach. Now I have the blessing of visiting it several times a year. It is a sanctuary to pelicans, garzas (white or pink birds with long legs that hang around cows) sea turtles and many species of fish.

Each of the “amas de casa” (house wives) for each of the children who received toys had a can of veggies waiting for them on the pier. 41 cans of food, 41 families blessed and children of 41 families received toys. I think there were 59 children present at the toy giveaway. Many were out in the boats fishing with their dads. The food was left with a reliable friend on the pier, due to the fact that each can weighs 8 pounds and we needed 41 cans and that worked out to too much weight for the boat.

There is always one timid crier in the crowd. The little boy was today's.

This little boy is thrilled with his new sand shovel and sand strainer.

This girl is thrilled with her multicolored stuffed bear.