This is a copy of the Missions Report
that Holy Water Group
put up on their Web Page
about their trip to work
with us.
They were a real blessing!
about their trip to work
with us.
They were a real blessing!
Mission trip in Honduras
June 27, 2010 through July 4, 2010
This trip, we traveled to a small community in the southern region of Honduras where the people have been suffering from the worst drought in 25 years. The area is located in a remote area near the town of Nacome and Choluteca. See the article below from the website “Honduras Weekly”.
With the communities help, we drilled in 10 different locations only to hit rock every time. The people in the community were very willing to help since they were in such need for water.
We tried by the church.
We tried near the road. In fact we tried 11 different places before we finally hit water.
Finally on the 11th attempt for a well, God gave us a clear path in very rocky area. We hit water and were able to complete the well for the people in the name of Christ! The well is 18 feet deep and holds 12 feet of water. This was a true gift from God because the area was not conducive to drilling at all. God wanted a well where we put it and he definitely made us depend on him for help.
The well will help all the families that live in the community. The great news is that we were able to train locals to drill and complete wells on their own! We donated the drill to the ministry who works in the community to continue looking for new places to obtain water so the blessings never stop!
Our drill transportation was a horse.
During the week glasses were given to the aging population of the community. We brought 50 pairs of glasses and used them all. When we tested and distributed the glasses; we gave the person an easy to ready New Testament of the bible called “Hay Vida en Jesus”, “There is Life in Jesus”. We donated a box of the New Testament to the local pastor in the community to distribute to anyone that he knew would want a copy.
Thank you for all your prayers and contributions that made this trip possible!
Tony Di Lorenzo
Holy Water Group
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